Monday, May 11, 2009

Hello, alternate World!

This is my first text that I write to the alternate world. It is unbelievable what magic they use there. So different from ours. I'm so lucky that I got this magic artifact here that let me not only look at what is happening there but also write to them.
I will try to learn as much as I can about this artifact and how to use it. Anyway, I have plenty of time on my hands - being under house arrest under the surveillance of the Konung's guards I cannot do anything else. I cannot do anything at all in my world...
If only my dear husband might have such artifact wherever he is now - it would so ease my sadness. But I do not lose hope.


  1. Hey! it's funny!
    Looks like you, fair lady, got the same magic artifact as I did. Fun-tastey-ck!
    I asked this oracle, Google, about Aldeyborg and it found you. Warm! Too bad you're under house arrest - I wanted to ask if you've seen my friend who went to your world, and Aldeyborg specifically, with a special mission.
    What kind of demons are in your world? Ours are pretty nasty and we have plenty of them - we're mostly magical world (in fact, I'm a magical creature - you don't have anything like me there). Hey, wish I could get in your world and help you to get out from under arrest - always ready t help a colleague. Why did they arrest you? Some mishap at demon hunt?
    Sorry, too many questions - I'm easily overrising with excitement (natural quality of dough).
    I hope you will not suffer captivity much longer. By the looks of you, you have the wits to break out of confinement.
    Good luck!

  2. Dear Agent Kolobok (may I call you in that manner?),

    how sweet of you to write to me. And how interesting that we are, being many worlds apart from each other, can communicate through the magic of yet another world.

    I will try to explain why I am under arrest in the next posting. But no, it is unrelated to demon-hunting.

    As for demons in our world...they are actually do not live in our world but come from some other places. We, demon-hunters, try to seal those wormholes where demons sneak in, so, I hope, my children or grandchildren will not know what demons are.

    I will try to ask my guards if they have heard anything about stranger from another world in Aldeyborg recently. Though I doubt they will answer me.

    Tell me, dear Agent Kolobok, how do you write in this magical artifact? I guess, our languages are very different and our runes should not look like your alphabet. However, I push buttons with our runes and this magic immediately translates it to some strange language with an alphabet somewhat similar to Etruscan or Ellinic in our world. So magic, so unusual. Is it similar for you?

  3. Yes, this artifact also translates for me from Lukomorian to some language that I can understand only reading inside the artifact. We tried to copy the letters on paper and read it here - make no sense. Such a warm magic!

    Our alphabet looks somewhat similar to what we see inside the artifact but it more resembles Western Pelasgian or Old Monarian, if those words mean anything to you.
